Can we adjust/rearrange the layout of the weekly invoice total to include details such as goods value, current bill, net bill, etc.?
Planned -
Is it possible to have the full next week csv report for stock distribution
Implemented -
Currently, the Round Overview report has a limit on the number of rounds included. Can we have an option to include more rounds and generate the report in an Excel format?
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Can we have the feature to print round standing orders?
Implemented -
Currently, Bulk update feature only allows increasing a specific value, can we increase by percentage as well?
Implemented -
Can we have paydays showing on collection list right next to the customer's name?
Planned -
Add a toggle for Bulk/Single View in Round Stock Standing Orders
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On customer selection screen, we would like to see round name after entering the round number
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Is there anyway discount can be displayed in daily invoices as well not just weekly invoices?
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Can we have an option to change rrp from supplier dashboard?
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