Can we have interface for entering cash sale customers, where the item and subtotals are updated in real-time.
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Can we add an option where multiple users delete transactions at the same time?
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is it possible to have the option to auto resize from control panel so that it can be done without signing out.
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supplier dashboard, round stock, depot stock are not center aligned while all other windows are.
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Can we have an option to sequence suppliers?
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Can we have copy and paste feature in the round stock (same as customer dashboard)?
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Can we have copy and paste feature in the depot stock (same as customer dashboard)?
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is it possible to move the options to change customer delivery and collection sequence to customer selection screen instead of keeping them in Round maintenance menu which takes longer to navigate?
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Can we have a sales listing per week and per round?
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Can we have a report showing customers who haven't placed an order yet?
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