Release Notes 2023

Posted 11 months ago by Gumtrue Support

Gumtrue Support Admin

Version 1.0.320

December 21, 2023

What's New?
  • Added an audit log for round bookout "plus-up customer orders" and "minus opening stock from bookout" actions, which is accessible from the storeman dashboard menu bar.   
  • Prevented duplicate weekending actions; now shows "The weekending has already been completed" upon retrying.
  • The start button from end of week widow now changes to close one weekending is done.
  • Customer statement pdf can now be opened from the transactions window.
  • Products with adjustments but zero bookouts are now visible in the bookouts report.
  • Added an audit log for changes to customer prices made via mobile, which is accessible from the customer selection screen. 
  • Implemented more consignment functionalities :menu

    • Adding sales quantity will mark the consignment as closed.
    • When a consignment invoice is cleared, its associated invoice transaction is deleted and the consignment status is set to open.
    • Deleting a transaction linked to a consignment invoice clears the corresponding invoice and sets the consignment's status to open.

Version 1.0.319

December 14, 2023

What's New?
  • Admin and collectors have access to allowed desktop features; other users can only access the storeman dashboard on the desktop.
  • Replaced the old bookout adjustment window with a new, improved grid view. 
  • Added functionality for bulk updating of customer details.
  • Added an option in the change customer sequence window to "sort by NDW"
  • Implemented CSV export options for :  
    • All rounds return summary.
    • All rounds bookouts summary.
    • All rounds closing stock summary.
    • All rounds adjustments.


Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where, when orders were entered from the desktop, pressing bookout adjustments was required for saving and displaying on the report;  this is no longer necessary. 
  • User names now display correctly when printing mobile collections for multiple users. 

Version 1.0.316

December 02, 2023

What's New?
  • Introduced the ability to hide inactive suppliers, optimizing supplier management. 
  • Added a new report that creates purchase orders by combining all drivers' orders for next week, making it easier to manage orders for each supplier.
  • Implemented the option to enter negative payments as refunds. 
  • Improved mobile payment acceptance by preventing closure during processing. 
  • Expanded the capacity of the Consignment Analysis Report to support up to 10,000 records for in-depth analysis. 
  • Integrated round stock functionality seamlessly with consignment records.

Bug Fixes
  • Resolved an issue causing overflow errors when copying and pasting prices associated with extended customer numbers.
  • Fixed a bug where copying consignments from mobile did not generate a stamp date. 

Version 1.0.312

October 12, 2023

What's New?
  • Expanded the description space on the delivery note to provide more room for adding detailed information.
  • It’s now possible to use longer character limits for product descriptions, ensuring greater clarity and specificity.
  • Added Single/Bulk view in round stock for efficient stock management.
  • The Bookout adjustment window is now more user-friendly with a grid view, search functionality, and easier scrolling.
  • Introduced a new "Move Bookouts to Round Order" button that lets you transfer bookouts to round orders while clearing the former. 
  • In the transaction list, added filter for Opening balance transaction type. 
  • Added Consignments feature, allowing users to effortlessly create, add, and print deliveries, damages, returns, and invoices.
  • Consignment sales are now automatically recorded and updated in customer transactions, ensuring real-time sales listing accuracy.  

Bug Fixes
  • Invoice numbers now correctly match customer transactions.
  • Resolved the delivery history bug for customers numbers with five or more digits.
  • Fixed the wrong VAT percent in consignments.
  • Price changes from the supplier dashboard no longer revert to their original values when pressing the "Escape" key.
  • The bug in the customer sequence has been resolved. 
  • Entries added in the customer dashboard now automatically save when clicking "Send Email (beta)”
  • When adding products in the customer dashboard, the system now accurately includes the selected product, as opposed to the one at the top. 

Version 1.0.306

August 22, 2023

What's New?
  • Added audit log for bulk product addition and deletion.
  • Added audit log for Storeman Plus up changes. 
  • Enabled email sending regardless of week-ending status. 
  • Quantity totals added to load list.

Version 1.0.304

August 16, 2023

What's New?
  • Deleted transactions can now be exported in CSV format. 
  • Generate a daily sales listing for a chosen date. 
  • Enhanced the customer dashboard by enabling column sorting by right-clicking on column headers. 
  • Added the ability to enable or disable delivery information on delivery notes. 
  • Delete products from the product sequence window, which also includes a product search. 
  • Product sequence window to allow the selection and movement of individual or multiple products to the top of the list. 

Version 1.0.302

August 02, 2023

What's New?
  • New CSV Payment list that displays the user who entered payments, along with the corresponding date and time.
  • The Customer Statement filter and Transaction Listing creation window now has a more user-friendly date picker.
  • Daily and weekly invoice processing has been optimized for faster performance.
  • Implemented a faster email feature in the weekending window.
  • Deleting customer transactions is now ten times faster than before.
  • Round stock reports can now be generated for a specified date range.
  • Implemented Gocardless integration for seamless payment processing.

Version 1.0.295

July 14, 2023

What's New?
  • The system now remembers the user's selected weekday and pre-selects it upon the user's next login.
  • Added the ability to create supplier transaction listings for a given date range.
  • Added a shortcut to create a new product directly from the Supplier Dashboard.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where daily invoices for future weeks were incorrectly showing the current week's date.
  • Resolved an error that occurred when double-clicking reports on the Reports Dashboard.
  • Addressed an issue where the Bookout report didn't show closing stock records if there were no round orders or Bookout adjustments.
  • Fixed an application crash that occurred when adding a product with an existing product code.
  • Corrected an issue where daily invoices were rounding quantities to whole numbers when they included decimals. Quantities are now rounded up to 2 decimal places.

Version 1.0.294

July 12, 2023

What's New?
  • Clicking on weekday column headers now opens the daily invoice for that day.
  • It is now possible to generate round stock reports for the next week, specifically from Sun to Tue, before the weekend.

Version 1.0.293

July 8, 2023

What's New?
  • Imported payments are now correctly set with the payment type (cash, bacs, dd, cheque), instead of being added as cash payments.
  • A new unified Customer Sequencing feature for sequencing routes/customers, allowing the same window to be used for sequencing drivers, collectors, and rep routes. 
  • The load list now displays the list of customers at the bottom when creating a combined summary for all rounds. 
  • Daily invoices now have a unique invoice number added to them. 
  • The product list report now shows in global product sequence. 
  • When multiple reports or multi-week invoices are created, the folder now opens maximized instead of minimized. 
  • Added a shortcut (F7) to change the day in both round stock and depot stock. 
  • The background colour of the Reports dashboard now changes to red when in backup week. 
  • Added a shortcut (Ctrl+M) to modify round details in Round stock. 

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug in the Age Debt report related to long customer numbers. 
  • The last page of supplier bills no longer randomly shows delivery note or invoice titles. It has been fixed. 
  • Fixed a software crash issue that occurred when shortcuts were pressed twice too fast. 

Version 1.0.291

July 1, 2023

What's New?
  • Add new products windows is now accessible by pressing letter A.
  • Introduced a faster bulk email feature, 7 times faster than the existing one.
  • New bulk email feature bypasses all firewalls, is more stable and has customizable email templates.
  • Added escape key functionality to exit from all focus points in the Daily Sales form.
  • Enhanced visibility of selected product in the product sequence window during product search.
  • Customer group filter is added to profitability reports.
  • On the Daily Sales form, the column headers now display the total quantity for deliveries and returns. 

Bug Fixes
  • Resolved program crash issue when opening weekly invoice twice too quickly.

Version 1.0.288

June 5, 2023

What's New?
  • Simplified menu for customer invoices. 
  • Linked account invoices and merged invoices now work from sub-accounts as well. 
  • CSV Product list now includes inactive weeks. 
  • Option to copy bill type settings from the current week to previous weeks in bulk. 
  • Added an option to export a customer list with a chosen tag from the WhatsApp window. Just select a tag, go to the menu bar, click on "Reports," and choose "Customer List (Selected Tag). 

Bug Fixes
  • Email feature was not working for customers with customer numbers greater than 32767. This issue has been resolved. 
  • The round bookout report now includes products with opening stock, even if they don't have driver orders. 

Version 1.0.287

May 30, 2023

What's New?
  • Added credit terms and credit limit fields to the CSV customer list. 

Bug Fixes
  • Resolved an issue with the calculation of product profitability and customer profitability summary, specifically when sales and returns were equal, resulting in zero sales. 
  • Corrected inaccuracies in the daily quantity totals on delivery notes and invoices. 
  • Applied layout fixes to the weekly delivery note. 

Version 1.0.285

May 23, 2023

What's New?
  • Added an option to export customers with WhatsApp numbers from the WhatsApp Window's menu bar. 
  • Standardized Header Format for Customer-Facing Reports (Invoice, Delivery Note, Statement)
  • If a user attempts to log in from a different device while already logged in, the system will now automatically log out the user from the previous session and securely close the software. This prevents any conflicts or potential issues that may arise from multiple active sessions. 

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue when generating invoices for multiple customers, which created a lot of space gap between invoice header and item lines, causing more pages to be printed than usual.
  • Fixed the issue where pressing the enter key multiple times to save a credit note caused an error that led to the creation of multiple credit notes in transactions.
  • The issue where all reports are named delivery note after generating the latter has been fixed.

Version 1.0.283

May 17, 2023

What's New?
  • Daily payments are now displayed on supplier Weekly bills.
  • Previously, the delivery note was limited to showing a maximum of 27 records on one page. It can now display up to 37 records.

  • Unified interface for changing customer sequence per driver, rep, or collector.

Bug Fixes
  • Optimization for slower and unstable internet connections.
  • Fixed the issue where daily invoice generated for Next Sun, Next Mon, or Next Tue shows the current week as the invoice and weekending date.
  • The issue where inaccurate dates are displayed when loading backup week from the customer dashboard is now fixed.
  • The issue where running weekending for more than 20 minutes causes an error that interrupts overall progress has been fixed.
  • The issue where loading merged invoice from Head account on a backup week causes an error has been fixed.

Version 1.0.279

April 26, 2023

What's New?
  • Daily sales form can now be set as the default view for customers.
  • The supplier list on the Supplier dashboard is now automatically refreshed when the sequence of suppliers is changed.
  • The Daily Sale Form now includes the option to add items.

Version 1.0.278

April 25, 2023

What's New?
  • A new form was added for entering Daily Sales, which allows viewing line and invoice totals as data is entered.
  • Added a sequence button in the supplier dashboard, which enables changing the supplier sequence.
  • Head account merged invoice now has a weighted average price for increased accuracy, as opposed to a simple average price.

Version 1.0.275

April 15, 2023

What's New?
  • Customer Delivery notes for a specified date range are now created in a separate folder named after the customers' number
  • By pressing the letter S while in Round stock, the Round Standing Order will be opened.
  • Two new columns, Payment Method and Payday, have been added to the customer list that is exported as a CSV file.
  • It is now possible to load backup weeks from the Customer Dashboard via Grid.
  • To indicate that you are not in the current week, the background color of the Customer Dashboard changes to red while you are in a backup week.

Bug Fixes
  • The issue of the customer address not being displayed for the selected customer on the customer selection screen while in a backup week has been resolved.

Version 1.0.273

April 06, 2023

What's New?
  • In round stock, it is now possible to enter driver orders for the entire following week.
  • In all grids, "this week" and "next week" columns are separated by different background colors.
  • In round stock, driver's standing orders can now be entered
  • All full-screen windows can now be resized and moved freely within and between screens.
  • Inactive weeks' column in the customer dashboard and change price window can now be sorted.
  • Added historical customer returns report for a given date range.
  • It is now possible to send WhatsApp Template messages to individual customers.
  • An effective date for driver's standing orders can now be selected.

Bug Fixes
  • The issue where pressing the Escape key does not work on the supplier dashboard is now fixed.
  • Fixed the issue on the Round reconciliation report where it displays overlapping decimal figures when all entries entered in Round closing and orders have decimal points.
  • The issue where some full-screen windows occupy the entire screen and cover the taskbar is now fixed. 
  • Fixed the error in classic view, when loading a backup week for a customer that does not exist.
  • The issue where generating a merged invoice from the backup week causes an error has been fixed.

Version 1.0.271

March 16, 2023

What's New?
  • Added a WhatsApp log to show messages sent per customer
  • Tag filter added to WhatsApp integration

Version 1.0.270

March 13, 2023

What's New?
  • Type 2 supplier bill has been added to the supplier dashboard.
  • Grid enhancements have been added to the depot stock.
  • Geocodes are now included when generating customer list from CSV dashboard.
  • Print option is now available in round closing, round returns, round damages, and driver's orders.

Bug Fixes
  • The issue from the customer dashboard - hide products where the message "sorry! you cannot delete this item" doesn't go away even after moving to another product that can be deleted is now fixed.
  • The issue where opening a customer that has no products added to their accounts, then while opening the standing orders an error occurs has been fixed.

Version 1.0.269

March 10, 2023

What's New?
  • Creating and modifying collectors are moved to the file maintenance menu
  • Customer sequence options moved to the customer selection screen.
  • Round Maintenance menu from file maintenance has been removed.
  • Grid enhancements added in round stock.

Version 1.0.268

March 08, 2023

What's New?
  • Standing orders are now visible in grid view and are colour coded.
  • The customer dashboard now includes an "inactive weeks" column, which indicates the activity status and the duration of inactivity for each item.
  • Added a new report to print customer price list without RRP and discounts.

Version 1.0.267

March 06, 2023

What's New?
  • There is a 15% increase in speed for weekending.
  • The Customer returns summary report in Excel has undergone significant speed improvement.
  • Grid enhancements have been made to supplier deliveries and the customer price window.
  • A new column with color codes has been added to the customer price window to show inactive weeks.
  • There is now an option to apply a single percentage discount to all items in the customer price window.
  • Reports dashboard has been reorganized

Version 1.0.265

March 01, 2023

What's New?
  • The record for a customer who cancels their order for the day, regardless of having standing orders in place, will be marked as canceled and struck out.
  • A new report showing a list of customers who have not placed orders via WhatsApp.

Version 1.0.264

February 22, 2023

What's New?
  • A new window for customer contacts can now be accessed from the customer dashboard. This is the place where you can store and manage all the contacts for the customer. 
  • WhatsApp integration has been implemented which enables sending template messages to customers in bulk. This integration is capable of verifying certain conditions such as customer delivery days, the presence of a customer's WhatsApp contact number, and whether the customer's order has already been entered. 

Version 1.0.263

February 13, 2023

What's New?
  • Added an option to restrict the collection list for a user while allowing other reports on the collection list form to be accessible.
  • The report "customer drop list" now has the global product sequence applied to it.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed error in payments entered from a backup week, which was previously using the US date format.
  • The issue where pressing the F2 key on the customer dashboard would open the "change price" window instead of changing the grid to edit mode has been resolved.

Version 1.0.262

February 07, 2023

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an error from the "Minus Opening Stock from Boookouts" button where it deducts for all rounds instead of the selected round only.

Version 1.0.261

February 03, 2023

What's New?
  • Added a button in the storeman dashboard to "Minus Opening Stock from Boookouts"

Version 1.0.260

January 30, 2023

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an error in the storeman dashboard which causes the system to crash when round numbers are not entered. 
  • Fixed error caused by clicking modify customers in classic view.

Version 1.0.259

January 28, 2023

What's New?
  • Shortcut keys for payment, transactions are added to supplier dashboard

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed auto-resize, so creating a new customer form will automatically adapt to the user settings.
  • Fixed a bug where sub and parent accounts are not saving when creating a customer from the backup week

Version 1.0.258

January 27, 2023

What's New?
  • Create and Modify customer form has been re-designed with more options and details that can be added.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed errors when loading backup week
  • Fixed error in the customer dashboard where the customer name doesn't show up when no products are added.
  • Fixed the "access denied" error showing every time the customer dashboard was opened for users where payment entry was restricted.
  • Fixed error "file not found" when trying to open past credit notes from transactions.

Version 1.0.257

January 24, 2023

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed errors when loading backup week

Version 1.0.256

January 23, 2023

What's New?
  • Multiple groups can now be excluded from driver orders.

Version 1.0.255

January 02, 2023

What's New?
  • Weekly delivery notes are now available both on the Customer dashboard and the Reports Dashboard.

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