When displaying on the system, is it possible to display by the short/trading name?
Because we are used to calling them by the trading name and not legal name
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Gumtrue Supportposted
about 2 years ago
Hi Pawan,
Thank you for submitting a feature request! We take these requests very seriously. I submitted this to our development team so please follow this topic and you'll be notified when they are released.
When displaying on the system, is it possible to display by the short/trading name?
Because we are used to calling them by the trading name and not legal name
0 Votes
Gumtrue Support posted about 2 years ago Admin
Hi Pawan,
Thank you for submitting a feature request! We take these requests very seriously. I submitted this to our development team so please follow this topic and you'll be notified when they are released.
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