The process of re-allocating shops to reps seems to be a bit cumbersome. Can you not devise a shorter way- if we allocate a customer to rep 1, the changing of the rep number on Customer Maintenance should be enough - currently when we change shops from one rep to another it becomes very hard.
1 Votes
about 4 years ago
Can we also have the option to update geocodes on customer modification windows on the desktop?
The process of re-allocating shops to reps seems to be a bit cumbersome. Can you not devise a shorter way- if we allocate a customer to rep 1, the changing of the rep number on Customer Maintenance should be enough - currently when we change shops from one rep to another it becomes very hard.
1 Votes
Pawan posted about 4 years ago
Can we also have the option to update geocodes on customer modification windows on the desktop?
0 Votes
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